Friday, July 13, 2012

Closed Doors

I've accomplished many things in my career in education. I've taught elementary, middle and high school students. I've coached at the school and district level. I'm now a specialist dealing with data.

I am at a closed door.

Without a masters degree, I can go no further. All of the positions as coordinator, supervisor, director, assistant principal, principal, etc. are not within my reach because I do not hold that degree.

So, that makes me think. Do I really want to move further? Sometimes I believe I want those things. I believe I could be a good administrator at a school. I know I could accomplish much in a position of leadership.

However, I enjoy my position now. I love the people I work with and what I'm doing. I have no desire to change or switch positions.

And yet, I keep staring at that closed door.

I make too much money to qualify for a government school loan.
I don't have good enough credit to qualify for a regular loan.

I certainly don't have any extra regular money hanging around to dedicate to the venture. As it is, I owe money that I am slowly paying off.

So, I'm sitting behind a closed door. Will I ever open it?

1 comment:

  1. My sister's blog on the topic:
